Legal issues relating to this area are wide and ever changing. You may be entering into a new relationship and want to record property rights pertaining to a specific asset or liability thus protecting it from your significant other. Or you may be in the process of separating and ending your relationship. Either way Moore Law is here to assist you with your relationship property advice.

When a relationship ends the nature of negotiating settlement can be a difficult one. Moore Law can help you to obtain the best property settlement suitable for your situation. Practical up to date advice and certainty will be provided by our legal team.

New relationship: 
When a relationship commences some clients have decided to protect assets from either party. This is known as entering into a “contracting out agreement’, contracting out of the equal sharing provisions contained in the Property (Relationships) Act 1976. In other jurisdictions this agreement is known as a Pre-nuptial agreement or a Pre-nup. Moore Law can assist you to negotiate the terms and ultimately help protect your assets.

Contact the team at Moore Law should you require legal advice on New Zealand law relating to relationship property.